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API Overview

dremio-arrow package is a single module Python API that exposes two methods; a class DremioArrowClient and a function dremio_query. DremioArrowClient class implements flight middlewares and is the gateway to dremio flight server. dremio_query function is a shorthand to DremioArrowClient and a very fast way to invoke the client especially when re-use of client parameters is not useful!

Using the client in R environment

While the client is developed in python, it can be used to interact with dremio flight engine; thanks to reticulate.

From {reticulate}s official documentation, the reticulate package provides a comprehensive set of tools for interoperability between Python and R. The package includes facilities for:

  • Calling Python from R in a variety of ways including R Markdown, sourcing Python scripts, importing Python modules, and using Python interactively within an R session.

  • Translation between R and Python objects (for example, between R and Pandas data frames, or between R matrices and NumPy arrays).

  • Flexible binding to different versions of Python including virtual environments and Conda environments.

Given that the client outputs a pandas.DataFrame data, reticulate can conveniently convert the data to native R data.frame outside the box (no hacks whatsoever).

Handling python datetime objects

At the moment, conversion between python datetime and R timestamp is not well covered in reticulate. The client provides ts_col and ts_fmt extra options during query operation to enable conversion of python datetime to string counterpart.

Working Environment

This example assumes you have python3, a virtual environment created and the client installed in the virtual environment. If this is not the case, See Python Downloads for python installation and Client Installation for virtual environment creation and client installation.

Install reticulate

reticulate is a R package and thus should be installed in R environment. Below commands can be executed in a Rmarkdown, R script or R interpreter/terminal.

install.packages("reticulate", repos="", deps=TRUE) # (1)

library(reticulate) # (2)

use_virtualenv("/path/to/vertual/environment") # (3)
  1. Install required R package {reticulate} alongside its dependencies.

  2. Load reticulate package into working environment

  3. Set path to python interpreter. The /path/to/vertual/environment can be absolute or relative and should not include bin/python part. The path points to directory containing bin/python.

Now that we have the environment set, it is time to rea some data from dremio engine!

using class DremioArrowClient

dremio_client <- import("dremioarrow") # (1)

client <- dremio_client$DremioArrowClient(
) # (2)

sql <- 'SELECT * FROM Samples.""."Dremio University"."employees.parquet" LIMIT 10' # (3)

data <- dremio_client$client.query(sql) # (4)

data # (5)
  1. First step is to import dremio client package into R. This makes the client available in our working environment.

  2. Initialize the client with dremio flight server connection credentials. These are the credentials you use to access your dremio engine.

  3. Here we define SQL query string with data fetch instructions. The table name path must exist, whether as phisical or virtual dataset.

  4. We now execute our SQL query against dremio flight server.

  5. This step is not necessary but a way to preview the dataset we just fetched. Form here you have your data as a pandas.DataFrame and thus can proceed with analysis, processing and reporting bit.

'Cleaner' Credentials Provision

Dremio flight server connection parameters can be supplied using environment variables. In that case, it is not necessary to supply the credentials when initializing the client.

The environment variables can be defined by either exporting the variables in current terminal session (We can use them only if running R from the terminal), persist them on ~/.Renviron, ~/.Rprofile, ~/.profile (ubuntu) or ~/.zshrc (Mac).

Write the variables into /.Renviron

.Renviron is a user-controllable file that can be used to create environment variables. This is especially useful to avoid including credentials like API keys inside R scripts. This file is written in a key-value format, so environment variables are created in the format:

Write the variables into /.Rprofile

R will source only one .Rprofile file. So if you have both a project-specific .Rprofile file and a user .Rprofile file that you want to use, you explicitly source the user-level .Rprofile at the top of your project-level .Rprofile with source("~/.Rprofile").

.Rprofile files are sourced as regular R code, so setting environment variables must be done inside a Sys.setenv(key = "value") call.

export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_HOST='dremio-server-host-ip/fqdn'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PORT='dremio-flight-server-port'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_USERNAME='dremio-account-username'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PASSWORD='dremio-account-password'
Define the virables on current terminal session

Execute below commands replacing placeholder texts with actual credential value.

export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_HOST='dremio-server-host-ip/fqdn'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PORT='dremio-flight-server-port'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_USERNAME='dremio-account-username'
export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PASSWORD='dremio-account-password'
Write the variables into ~/.profile (ubuntu) or ~/.zshrc (Mac).
vi ~/.zshrc # (1)
  1. Copy the enviroment variables into the file replacing placeholder texts with actual credential value.
    export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_HOST='dremio-server-host-ip/fqdn'
    export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PORT='dremio-flight-server-port'
    export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_USERNAME='dremio-account-username'
    export DREMIO_FLIGHT_SERVER_PASSWORD='dremio-account-password'

Once done, exit all running applications and logout or restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

# import client package
dremio_client <- import("dremioarrow")

# instatiate the client
client <- dremio_client$DremioArrowClient()

# define SQL query string
sql <- 'SELECT * FROM Samples.""."Dremio University"."employees.parquet" LIMIT 10'

# fetch data
data <- dremio_client$client.query(sql)

# preview data

With the environment variables correctly set, we nolonger need to set connection credentials. The client is smart enough to extract the variables from the environmet!

If we had a second query to execute, we would just have reused the client with a different SQL query string.

# define new SQl query string
sql <- 'SELECT * FROM Samples.""."Dremio University"."employees.parquet" LIMIT 100'

# fetch data
data <- dremio_client$client.query(sql) # 1

# preview data

We didn't create a new client

In this repeat operation, we did not create a new client object, instead we reused the one we earlier created above!

Using function dremio_query

This function is very useful when we are interested in executing a single query and are not sure when a second query might be executed. The method takes authentication credentials and returns data. In essence, this is to mean session bearer token cannot be re-used because we are not using the client directly!

dremio_client <- import("dremioarrow") # (1)

# SQL query with data fetch instructions
sql <- 'SELECT * FROM Samples.""."Dremio University"."employees.parquet" LIMIT 10' # (2)

# execute the query
data <- dremio_client$dremio_query(
) # (3)

# preview data
  1. First step is to import the client package.

  2. Define SQL query string with data fetch instructions.

  3. Execute the SQL query string against dremio flight server.

With credentials defined as environment variables, the above is refactired to:

# import client package
dremio_client <- import("dremioarrow")

# SQL query with data fetch instructions
sql <- 'SELECT * FROM Samples.""."Dremio University"."employees.parquet" LIMIT 10'

# execute the query
data <- dremio_client$dremio_query()

# preview data

Last update: July 4, 2023
Created: July 4, 2023